Trentham completed the Green Flag award over the last academic year, with a focus around the school grounds, recycling and biodiversity, and involved all year groups whilst doing so. Activities included planting trees in the new Community Orchard, making bird feeders and taking part in the Big Battery Hunt.
The award had glowing feedback for our academy, saying:
It is evident that young people in your school are aware of environmental issues and are passionate about protecting our planet. Completing the Environmental Review allowed your Eco-Committee to recognise the positive changes that your school has already made and gain an appreciation of the future impacts that they can create. Your Action Plan was based on children’s ideas and the areas they are most passionate about, which places them at the heart of your Eco-Schools work and will lead to increased engagement. It contains a diverse range of activities aimed at creating positive behaviours, making an immediate difference to your local environment, and expanding your Eco-Schools’ initiatives into your local community.
Staff members in your school are willing to go above and beyond to include these important issues in pupils’ learning. Running the Eco-flagship award has been a huge success! It’s clearly something that pupils will be proud of and leaves a great legacy to build upon! We have loved reading about your journey and are incredibly impressed by all you have achieved. We have no hesitation in awarding you an Eco-Schools Green Flag with Distinction, congratulations!