
Mathematics Overview

The aim of the Mathematics Curriculum, is to ensure that all students that leave Trentham Academy develop a love of maths, and are numerate for their future adult world.

All students study a 5-year staged curriculum. The curriculum is delivered in a spiral format, with Year 7 developing and extending KS2 topics, and Y8 extending Y7 topics, etc. This allows for spaced practice and retrieval of key skills and knowledge. The scheme of work is planned so that topics feed into each other – supporting each other, and ensuring prior learning is recalled. The design of the mathematics curriculum also allows for mastery, before moving on to the next learning unit.

The majority of each year group follow a scheme of work that is aimed towards the higher tier GCSE exams, ensure students are stretched and challenged in their maths learning. The stage of curriculum students are studying is reviewed and adjusted where necessary, for personalised learning. All students are entered for the Edexcel GCSE Mathematics at the end of Year 11. Trentham Academy has a long history of all students achieving GCSE grades in Mathematics.

Problem solving is a key priority in our teaching and learning, to ensure that students can apply their mathematics and numeracy skills in real-life and abstract contexts. Problem solving and reasoning skills are taught throughout the curriculum, with regular discussion linking maths topics to careers.

As part of Trentham’s Aspire for Life (A4L) programme, Years 7-10 all have 4 hours of learning dedicated to Finance – with the aim of improving students’ understanding of money, credit/debit, pay-slips, tax etc – the real-world skills that they will need, and are linked to their knowledge of GCSE Mathematics.

Finance and real-world contexts, are linked to future career areas and are key aspects of our teaching and learning ethos in the mathematics department. Links with STEM careers is a priority, and the Trentham Maths team work to build STEM links with local colleges, universities and businesses.

Using in-depth question level analysis (QLA) and graded / staged topics, we are able to close gaps in learning, adjust lesson planning and provide feedback to ensure students improve or extend their knowledge/skills on a regular basis. QLA following the termly assessments allow us to plan bespoke interventions for key groups of students, and track their progress over time, ensuring all achieve their potential, and leave Trentham as numerate and qualified for further education / careers as possible.

GCSE Statistics

In addition to GCSE Mathematics students can opt to take a stand-alone GCSE in Statistics in Years 9-11, as one of their option GCSEs. ( The Maths staff at Trentham take pride in a long history of excellent GCSE results in GCSE Statistics. Since the introduction of 9-1 grades, Trentham have achieved a minimum of 90% 9-4 grades.

Personalised Pathways

  • Selected grade 7-9 students study for and are given the opportunity study, and sit exams for, additional maths qualifications, to support a learning bridge between GCSE and A-Level Mathematics.
  • Selected students will follow a program of study to ensure they are numerate, and leave the academy with a mathematics qualification. These additional qualifications also then boost the ‘basic’ skills required at GCSE grade 1.

Challenges & Competitions

Selected students at Trentham will complete in the UK Maths Trust (UKMT) Challenges – Junior and Senior levels, Mathematical Education on Merseyside (MEM) Challenge, and Stoke MEP Challenges, all of which we regularly have successes in – achieving Bronze / Silver / Gold certificates, best in year, and winning prizes across the city.

Mathematics Department

Mrs L Gaggini – Senior Lead Practitioner, Subject Leader of Mathematics and Statistics

Mrs J Bloore – Second in Mathematics, Numeracy Across The Curriculum Coordinator

Mr B Goddard – Assistant Headteacher, Teacher of Mathematics

Ms M Roberts – Lead Practitioner, Teacher of Mathematics and Statistics

Mrs N Walker – Teacher of Mathematics and Statistics

Mr B Brennan – Teacher of Mathematics

Mrs R King – Teacher of Mathematics

Mr J Davies – Teacher of Mathematics

Years 9, 10 & 11 GCSE Practice Paper

Y11 Maths Entry Level Cert

Maths Specification

The Academy believes in developing the person as a whole so they can accomplish educational excellence."