At Trentham Academy, we believe in providing students with the skills and knowledge they need for a successful life in the modern world. The Aspire for Life curriculum is designed to encourage students to become successful learners who have a well-rounded understanding of life both in and out of school. At the Academy, we uphold our duty to promote British Values and to contribute to the development of students’ sense of identity through knowledge and understanding of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural heritages of Britain’s diverse society and the local, national, European, Commonwealth and global dimension of their lives.
The Academy acknowledges its responsibility to foster informed discussion and protect students from the potential harm caused by extremist attitudes of all sorts. (The Government has defined extremism in the Prevent Strategy as “vocal or active opposition to fundamental British Values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.)
Within the curriculum we also cover RSHE (relationships, sex and health education). Relationships education is compulsory for secondary schools who are required to teach students relationships and sex education (RSE). Health education is now compulsory in all schools too. This is taught across all year groups within the academy and lessons develop in depth as students move through the years.
Learning opportunities cover a range of topics based on the following themes:
- Spiritual
- Moral
- Social
- Cultural
- Health
- Finance
- Citizenship
The curriculum is delivered over 15, 1-hour sessions across the academic year. This is accompanied by 3 drop down days in which students follow a PSHE timetable for the day. It is also part of our tutor time activity programme and our assembly themes have strong PSHE themes.
All information regarding the topics being covered are sent out at the beginning of the academic year. When a drop-down day is planned, the topics being covered on the drop-down day are shared with parents and carers; this gives parents and carers the opportunity to continue PSHE conversations at home.
Our PSHE curriculum is regularly updated to adapt to current issues that face society today. As a result, we provide a diverse and engaging curriculum that prepares students to be successful in the wider world.
Links to useful Resources/ Exam Specifications/ Apps – lots of information on being an active citizen
School Election Pack – Shout Out UK – election basics – election & legal information – human rights
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